Montag, 17. März 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

YAY! Today is St. Patrick's Day! It's so sad that here is no party going on today with some nice irish folk and lot's of Murphy's.

But i'll have a drink on the Irish tonight. Maybe i'll even colour them green (american style :)).

PS: You might have seen, that i missed the last 'Illustration Friday' entry. It's because i'm quiet busy these days, so i might have barely time to do anything in these direction. But I try to give it another try this week. (Topic is 'Heavy')

Mittwoch, 5. März 2008

Illustration Friday - Leap

My first painting for the 'Illustration Friday' cause. The word of the week was 'leap'.
I set myself the goal to finish the painting in 20 minutes. (mostly, because I don't have the time right now to do something more timeconsuming, but shhhht ;))

The painting is fully done in Photoshop with brush-, dodge- and burn-tool. oh and the 'blur' tool too.