Montag, 17. März 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

YAY! Today is St. Patrick's Day! It's so sad that here is no party going on today with some nice irish folk and lot's of Murphy's.

But i'll have a drink on the Irish tonight. Maybe i'll even colour them green (american style :)).

PS: You might have seen, that i missed the last 'Illustration Friday' entry. It's because i'm quiet busy these days, so i might have barely time to do anything in these direction. But I try to give it another try this week. (Topic is 'Heavy')

Mittwoch, 5. März 2008

Illustration Friday - Leap

My first painting for the 'Illustration Friday' cause. The word of the week was 'leap'.
I set myself the goal to finish the painting in 20 minutes. (mostly, because I don't have the time right now to do something more timeconsuming, but shhhht ;))

The painting is fully done in Photoshop with brush-, dodge- and burn-tool. oh and the 'blur' tool too.

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008

Illustration Friday?

Okay. This blog seems to be one of the living dead. It always takes me ages to write something and since the poor and embarassing defeat on NaNoWriMo, I don't know if I should do this here, but okay, here we go:

MizK (you kinda get me in artistic trouble all the time, can't you see? ;)) encouraged me to participate on the 'Illustration Friday' project. The idea is as simple as interesting: Every Friday there is someone coming up with a word/topic with which you have to do some artwork with it (oh gees, is my english crappy *sigh*).
And since I always wanted to reactivate those bloody muses on my side, I think it's a good idea.

Most of my works might be pencil-drawings, digital drawings or illustrations, oilpaintings and maybe i'll try some other material like watercolors.

Now I have to wait until Friday (hey, it's like every week. :))

Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

NaNoWriMo Defeat

Unfortunatly I have to tell you, that I had to quit NaNoWriMo. I thought about it a long time, but came to the conclusion that I don't have the time - and also the muse - to write the story down within a month. or within THIS month. :(

After a good start i had a bad block, followed by a lack of time and so I felt more and more back, so I wouldn't be able to catch up with such little time in sight.

Maybe I will finish the story one day when both (time and muse) are back. Okay, maybe you don't finish things like this, once you stopped it, but since my girlfriend is bugging me about that all the time, I might even do it. :)

I'll still cheer the other NaNoManiacs of course!
Go Morgiana, go MizK! :)

Don't bring the same shame on you as i did...

Donnerstag, 1. November 2007

NaNoWriMo - Erster Tag - Day One

So. Der erste Tag im Schreiben ist vorüber.
Angefangen hab ich um Punkt Mitternacht und hab etwa zwei Stunden drauf los geschrieben. Dabei musste ich einige Male unterbrechen um Namen für Personen, Orte und andere Dinge zu erfinden und mir auch eine Karte als Hilfe zu zeichnen.

Als ich dann heute Nachmittag wieder aufgewacht bin (ja, ich war halt sehr müde. :)) schrieb ich dann nochmal ein bisschen. Allerdings mit einiger Ablenkung und etwas ich war etwas unkonzentriert.

Immerhin hab ich es auf 3677 Worte gebracht. also mehr als doppelt so viel wie nötig. Allerdings auch weniger als ich geplant/erhofft hatte. Ich wollte nämlich dieses Wochenende einen grossen Vorsprung rausarbeiten, damit ich dann die kommenden Wochen nicht ganz so viel Zeit investieren muss (Man muss ja auch arbeiten).

Auch von dem Proviant sind schon ein paar Sachen vertilgt worden. 1 Pack Chips, 2 Bananen, 1 Apfel, 1 Pack Gummistangen, 1 Lolipop, 1 Dose Cola, ein bisschen vom Scotch und ein bisschen von Smacks und Milch. Dazu eine menge Wasser und Tee.

Hoffentlich kann ich morgen gut 4000 Worte niederschreiben, dann wird das was. :)
Jetzt gehe ich erstmal aus und geniesse den Abend ein wenig.


Okay. First Day is over. At least the 'Writing-Day'. :)
I started at Midnight and wrote for about 2 hours. But i had to interrupt from time to time, just to think about names for people, places, cities and stuff. I also had to draw a map of the land in my novel as a help for me.

After i woke up this afternoon (yes, i was VERY tired :)) I wrote some more. but i got distracted a lot and couldn't set my mind on the story too.

At least i could write down 3677 words, so more than the double, which i needed to. But on the other hand also less than i planned/expected, since i wanted to get a little ahead this weekend, so that i don't have to write that much the next weeks. (you know, i have to work once a while :))

From the provisions some things didn't make it past the first day. :)
Missing/Killed in Action:
1 Pack of Chips, 2 Bananas, 1 Apple, 1 Pack of Gum Candies, 1 Lolipop, 1 Coke, some of the Scotch and some of the 'Smacks' and Milk too. Also lots of Water and Tea.

I hope tomorrow i can write 4000 words more, that would be nice.
But for today i'm done. :) Let's go out now!

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007

NaNoWriMo - Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm

Langsam wird es ernst. Morgen geht die ganze Schreiberei los! Also nur noch einen Tag in 'Freiheit'. ;)
Inzwischen hab ich auch schon eine wage Vorstellung vom Plot meiner Novelle.

Die Geschichte handelt von vier jugendlichen Elben die die Überreste eines verstorbenen Familienmitgliedes zur Ahnenstätte der Familie bringen sollen. Dabei geraten sie in allerhand Abenteuer und werden sogar in die Wirren eines Krieges gezogen.
Mal kucken was daraus wird.

Ich wünsche allen Teilnehmern viel Glück und Durchhaltevermögen!


Okay, it's getting serious now. Tomorrow the crazy writing is going to start! So this is my last day in 'Freedom'. hehe, just kidding. :)
Since yesterday I even have an Idea of the Plot for the Novel:

It's about four young Elves who carry the remains of a dead family member to the traditional burial of the family. On the way they have to go through adventures and even get into an epic war.
Let's see where this all leads. :)

I wish good luck and endurance to all participants!

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

NaNoWriMo - Provisions

This are my provisions for the first days of NaNoWriMo. :)

There is:

- 2 Jumbo Kellogg's Smacks Packs (i just love them!)
- Milk (for the Smacks and the Tea)
- var. Tea from Kasia's Shop (just a 3 sorts on the pic)
- Bananas and Apples (i guess something for health is good too. :))
- var. Gum Candies or how you call them (they are essential to me!)
- var. Chips and Nachos
- Cookies (yay! i want cookies!)
- mentos and lolipops (for when i'm right in the word and sentence war)
- coke (for the coffeine (and the sugar), since i don't drink coffee)
- rivella (both to variate the water and tea consume)
- lagavulin (16 years old) scotch
- baileys
- var. beer (all three for moody moments in the evening ;))
- quick noodles snacks (for the late hunger)

not for eating/drinking :))
- a new cool notebook (for all the things that come to mind when no computer is in reach)
- and a little notebook (for emergency :))
- two new pencils
- and last but not least: Connor, the evil (but not look like), black sheep (supporting role)

not on the pic: normal food. hehe. :)

PS: If you're missing chocolate: Well, that's because I don't like it. (I know, it's a waste. :))